Mary w. Jackson Clinic

Jackson School Nurse

Mary W. Jackson's Virtual Clinic

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School Nurses support student health and academic success by contributing to a healthy and safe school environment.

 (NASN 21st Century Framework for School Nursing Practice)

Lyndsay Corson, School Nurse

clinic (757) 825-4586 |fax (757) 825-4698  


Please consult the HCS Instruction and Health Mitigation Plan for current guidelines regarding in-person learning.  

Remember to do the Student Health checklist with your student each morning before school. Do not send them to school if they answer  "yes" to any of the questions. Then contact your child's teacher or the school nurse to report the illness. 

additional health Information

Please go to the Hampton City Schools Health Services site for all the information you need, including phone numbers for the School Health Advisory Board as well as:

In addition, HCS policy states if your child has a fever of 100.4, they need to stay at home and remain home for 24 hours after they are fever free without any medication given for fever. Children will be sent home with fevers. 

To prevent the spread of germs, especially during this season of Flu and stomach virus, please encourage frequent hand washing after each bathroom use, before eating meals, playing with toys, and trips out to any public places.  Also, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or use your elbow not your hand to cover mouth or nose when sneezing or coughing.

“You cannot educate a child who is not healthy, and you cannot keep a child healthy who is not educated.”